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Joseph Conrad Foundation's
Conferences Page
2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1974
The English Department of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland plans to host its third international Joseph Conrad conference between May 29th and June 1st, 2001.Details
.JCSA at Texas Tech U: Texas Tech University in association with The Joseph Conrad Society of America announces An International Conference of Joseph Conrad Scholars, August 9 to 12, 2000. Details
KURTZ, MARLOW'S AUNT AND THE POPULAR PRESS: ModBrits on 15 March 2000 published a call for papers for a panel proposal at the Modernist Studies Association's "New Modernisms II" Conference to be held 12-15 October 2000 at the University of Pennsylvania. Among the suggestions for possible papers, the announcement asks, "Why does Conrad portray Mr. Kurtz as 'writing for the papers' and Marlow's aunt as having been 'carried off her feet' by a flood of 'rot let loose in print'?" Stephen A. Ross of the Queens University in Canada plans to present a paper on Conrad at the conference and we are hoping it will contain the answers. The JCF, with Mr. Ross and his university's assistance, is planning a reception and exhibit at the conference.
The Joseph Conrad Society - UK 1999 Conference The 25th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) -- The 25th Annual International Conference of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) was held at The University of Kent at Canterbury from 8 July 1999 to 12 July 1999. This was to be a residential conference with delegates staying in the halls at Eliot College. The Conference brought together the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.), the Henry James Society of America, and the Ford Maddox Ford Society of Great Britain. Papers were welcomed on the life and work of these three authors, either jointly or separately. A day tour of the Conrad, James, and Ford houses in Kent was planned.
The Lodz conference, Lodz, Poland, 26-29 Sept. 1999 - The theme of the conference was British and Commonwealth contributions to world civilization at the local and global levels.
The New Modernisms: The Inaugural Conference of the Modernist Studies Association, October 7-10, 1999 at Penn State University, State College, PA -- The inaugural conference of the Modernist Studies Association was a thundering success for all involved, and for modernist studies in general. Combining plenary sessions, special session panels, and discussion seminars, the conference provided a comprehensively satisfying mix of presentations by top scholars,...Details
MLA in Chicago 27-30 Dec. 99 - Modern Language Association, 27-30 Dec. 1999, Chicago. Inquiries - Convention Office, MLA, 10 Astor Place, New York, NY 1003-6981 - (212 614-6372: fax: 212-477-9863; email convention@mla.org
International Meeting of The Joseph Conrad Society of America - (August 6-9, 1998)in South Africa, 1998
* 1998 South Africa Conference
reported by Keith Carabine, University of Kent
* - As reported in Joseph Conrad Today, Volume XXIII, Nos. 1-2,
Publication of the Joseph Conrad Society of America 1998
From the Heart of Texas into the Heart of Darkness - The Heart of Darkness Centenary Conference
* 1997 Gdansk Conference - reported by Andrea White, California State University, Dominguez Hills
* 1997 MLA Conference - report 1, Brain Shaffer, Rhodes College
* 1997 MLA Convention - report 2, Peter Mallios, Stanford University
* - As reported in Joseph Conrad Today, Volume XXIII, Nos. 1-2,
Publication of the Joseph Conrad Society of America 1998
Conrad in Philadelphia 1997
Drexel Conference reported in New York
JCF in Lodz: - At the conference on British influence in the modern world hosted by the British Research and Studies Centre at the University of Lodz in Poland, Septempber 5-6, '97, Prof. Barbara Koc of Warsaw including a discussion of the activities of the JCF in the paper she presented. The director of the center, Dr. hab. Krystyna Kujawinska-Courtney was kind enough to read greetings from the JCF to the conference which agreed with the thesis of Prof. Courtney's conference paper that Shakespeare was probably the most important British cultural export and strongly suggested that Conrad was, or soon would be, the second most important cultural export from that "blessed isle."
Lublin Conference
Lodz Conference - September 24-27, 1996
Modern Language Association Of America (MLA) Seminar - December 29th 1996
L'Epoque Conradienne: - With the collaboration of Ned Sparrow of the Baltimore Art Institute we have received at the request of Anne Luyat of the University of Avignon the 1996 edition of the Conrad Society of France's journal, L'Epoque Conradienne from Jean Pierre Moreau of the University of Limoges.
Gdansk Conference: - Tuesday, December 12th, l995 the main library of the Nicolas Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, was the site of a Conrad exhibition and seminar at which three papers were presented, the first on Tadeusz Bobrowski by Bohdan Ryszewski, the second on Conrad as seaman by Wanda Perczak and the last on Conrad as a European writer by Zdzislaw Najder.
San Diego Conference: - The monthly magazine, Polska (Polnad, Warsaw) No. 10, October, 1974 carried under "Nasza poczta" (Our Mail), an item noting receipt from the University of California at San Diego of voluminous information concerning the organization of the International Conference of Conrad Scholars on the occssion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the great writer. The honorary chairman of the event was the outstanding Anglicist, Dr. Przemyslaw J. Mroczkowski, a professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. The Tigodnik Powszechny (General Weekly, Krakow) No. 36, 9 August 1974 (which erroneously called the occasion the centenary), points out that the world literature of the present is beholden to the great writer and cites as examples Camus, Faulkner, Malraux and Andrzejewski and points that for the occasion there are sessions and conference on the problems of Conrad's work being conducted in Poland and in England, the writer's second homeland.
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