Joseph Conrad


The English Department of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland plans to host its third international Joseph Conrad conference between May 29th and June 1st, 2001and invites Conradians and spouses to attend.
The conference will consist of English language papers on various aspsects of the life and work of the Polish born English novelist. Selected papers will be published in a volume of proceedings in the series Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives published by East European Monographs, Boulder, CO and the host university. Distribution will be via Columbia University Press.
The scholarly proceedings are to be followed between June 2nd and 7th, 2001 by a tour of Conrad's footprints in Cracow, Lublin, Warsaw and Zakopane.
Interest in participating (with or without a presentation) should be sent as early as possible to the chairman of the organizing committee, Prof. Dr. Hab. Wieslaw Krajka, English Department, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 4, 20-301 Lublin, Poland

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