Joseph Conrad
Drexel Conference Reported in New York
The "Kronika Filadelfijska" (Philadelphia Chronicle) section of the Nowy Dziennik (Polish Daily News) of New York in its editions of April 10th and 24th and May 8th, 1997 carried articles on the International Conrad conference held at Drexel University 10-13 April, 1997. The first piece by Regina Gorzkowska, the paper's Philadelphia correspondent, provided the details of time, place, activities and papers to be heard. The second item was a photo of the two visitors from Poland, Profs. Barbara Koc of the University of Lodz and Prof. Zdzislaw Najder of the University of Warsaw with Prof. Raymond Breback of Drexel University, the organizer of the conference. The 8 May article also carried a photo of Koc, Breback, and Profs. Gene Moore of the University of Amsterdam, Dwight H. Purdy of the University of Minnesota at Morris, MN, the new editor of Conradiana, which is still published by the Texas Tech University Press in Lubbock, TX and Mark Conroy of Ohio State University at the reception for the participants held at the Rosenbach Library and Museum the second evening of the conference. The article with the photo was more than generous in its reference to the JCF and we are grateful.