Elena Sebezko's Work on Conrad
The JCF's Russian representative, Prof. Vladimir M. Bychenkov of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Moscow, recently faxed us his mother's Conrad bibliography, including an abstract of her 1970 Pedagogical Institute of Moscow doctoral dissertation, "The Socio-Psychological Novels of Joseph Conrad, 1904-1914: The Problem of the Hero and Conflict."
The abstract reads:
The author, taking into account the general problems of Conrad's evolution sees the specific task in the study of the mature work of the writer (19041914). The attempt is made on the basis of the analysis of his novels and short stories of this period to understand the specificity of his romantic-realism, of the narrative manner and style, the originality of characters and composition. An important place in the dissertation belongs to the consideration of Conrad's work on the crossing of the English, Polish and Russian traditions. Conrad-writer's development is analyzed against the broad background of English literary experience, in relationship to the world of Defoe, Hardy, Stevenson, Kipling, Galsworthy and Wells. Conrad's correspondence is used in the dissertation, with special attention being paid to the Polish correspondence of the writer and to the place of Poland in his works. The author considers Conrad's estimates of Turgenev, Tolstoi, Chekhov, the problem "Conrad- Dostoyevsky," the influence of "narodniki" literature upon the novel Under Western Eyes.
Sebezko's articles follow:
"Conrad's Heart of Darkness," in 15th Conference of the Pedagogical Institute of Kaluga, Book of Abstracts, Kaluga, 1968
"The Person and Society in Conrad's Nostromo" in The Problems of the Method, Style and Literary School in the Study and Teaching of Literature, Moscow, 1969
"Turgenev and Conrad" in The Pages of Russian Literature, Kaluga, 1969
"The Aesthetical and Literary Positions of Conrad" in The Problems of World Literature, Moscow, 1970
"The Hero and Conflict in Conrad's Novel, Victory" in The Problems of Russian and World Literature, Moscow, 1970
"Aesthetical Specificity in Conrad's Novel, Nostromo" in The Historico-Literary Collection of Articles, Kaluga, 1970
"The Problems and Aesthetical Specificity of Conrad's Novel, The Secret Agent" in The Problems of Russian and World Literature, Tula, 1972
"The Essence of the Tragic in Conrad's Early Short Stories" in The Problems of Specificity in the Genre, Minsk, 1974
"The Skill of Conrad as the Author of Short Stories" in The Problems of the Writer's Skill, Tula, 1975
"The Composition of Conrad's Youth" in Book of Abstracts of the Pedagogical Institute of Moscow, Moscow, 1977
Forthcoming: An article, "Bunin and Conrad: Philosophy of Love"
Forthcoming: A monograph, from Conrad to Hill [sic]
It is highly likely that Conrad Books could obtain copies of the originals or abstracts and/or translations of this material for a donation plus the costs involved for interested Russophile Conradians. A copy of Bychenkov's fax is also available if readers have a problem with the translated titles and need the originals.