Joseph Conrad
As we continue to collect college honors essays, masters' theses and doctoral dissertations for the international bibliography we find many which would probably escape the notice of people working on Conrad. This list is a sampling to be expanded as the papers come to our attention.
Bartocci, Clara, "La Strutura Nella Maggiore Narrativa di Joseph Conrad: LORD JIM, NOSTROMO, THE SECRET AGENT," 209 pp, MA, 1970, Universita' Degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
Corsi, Giuliana, "Le idee politiche di Joseph Conrad," 147 pp, MA, 1970, Universita' Degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
Craven, Anna, "The Slav Element in Conrad," Senior Thesis, BA, 1952, University of Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy
Crosten, A. K., "Joseph Conrad: An Introductory Study," MA, 1952, University College, Jamaica
Currelli, Mario, "NOSTROMO: Note Interpretative," Ph. D., 1969, Universita' Degli Studi di Pisa, Italy - Abstract
Czubakowska, H., "The Narrator in the Structure of Three Novels by Joseph Conrad: HEART OF DARKNESS, LORD JIM and CHANCE," MA, 1958, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
Giacobelli, Francesco, master's thesis on NOSTROMO in English at the University of Venice in 1968, Ph. D. in 1973 with a dissertation on Conrad at the University of Padua and a book on Conrad published by Ugo Mursia of Milan, Italy, title unknown.
Johri, Amar, Nath, "Romance and Realism in the Novels of Joseph Conrad," Ph. D., 1967, Agra University, India
Raval, R. K., "LORD JIM:An Existential Analysis," MA, 1972, University of Agra (India) - Abstract
Mohd, Yaseen, "Joseph Conrad's Theory of Fiction," Ph. D., 1962, Allagarb Muslim University, India
Sinha, S. M., "The Craft of Joseph Conrad as a Novelist," Ph. D., 1944, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India
Utrecht-Visacher, H. E., "Some Comparisons between Conrad's LORD JIM and Multatuli's MAX HAVELAAR," Ph. D., 1965, Universitas Negeri Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Vidan, Melendez, Ricardo, "Opresores y Oprimidos en la Obrda de Joseph Conrad, " MA, 1969, University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
South African Theses on Conrad
Mitzi C. Anderson of the University of South Africa was kind enough to send this list of dissertations and theses. Click here!
Elena Sebezko's Work on Conrad
The JCF's Russian representative, Dr. Vladimir M. Bychenkov, of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Moscow, and his mother, Dr. Elena Sebezhko, a Conrad scholar of long standing, have faxed us her Conrad bibliography, including an abstract of her 1970 Pedagogical Institute of Moscow doctoral dissertation, "The Socio-Psychological Novels of Joseph Conrad, 1904-1914: The Problem of the Hero and Conflict." The abstract reads: Click here
Following is a list of dissertation titles for papers accepted for degrees by Russian universities. The JCF has requested abstracts if available and will publish them when and if they are received.
1. Kruglyak, M. T., "The Specificity of Realism in Joseph Conrad's Work, 1895- 1900," Moscow, 1967
2. Sebezhko, E. S., "Joseph Conrad's Socio-Psychological Novel, 1900-1914: The Problem of the Hero and the Conflict," Moscow, 1970
3. Voznesenskaya, I. A., "Joseph Conrad's Early Work: Toward the Evolution of the Writer's Aesthetic Views and Creative Method," Leningrad, 1976
4. Shilinya, B. K., "The Plot and Composition of Joseph Conrad's Novels," Moscow, 1977
5. Tsybul'skaya, V. V., "Joseph Conrad's Short Stories: Problems and Poetics," Kiev, 1982
6. Akhmechet, L. A., "Joseph Conrad's Artistic Skill, 1896-1902," Moscow, 1986
Hobart Ernest Rowlands
In 1923 Hobart Ernest Rowlands submitted and had accepted for the MA at Ohio State University a thesis entitled "Joseph Conrad and the Russian Novelists" in which he compares Conrad's Under Western Eyes and The Secret Agent with Turgenev's Fathers and Sons (for which Rowlands used the more literal translation Fathers and Children) and Smoke, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment and Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. We attempted to borrow the paper on interlibrary loan but it was unavailable and one would have to go to Columbus to see it.