Welcome to the
Joseph Conrad Foundation
Links Page
Joseph Conrad - Project Gutenberg ftp site with full text of many of Conrad's works in several file formats - and FREE. - Excellent source!
Mitsuharu Matsuoka's Conrad Page - a fine collection of Conrad resources. Also visit Mitsuharu Matsuoka's home page for an extended adventure in literature.
1stbooks.com lists several books by Joseph Conrad that you can download for FREE.
Department of English at the University of Prince Edward Island - web site to provide students in English 202 with resources to supplement the course content.
Bibliomania.com -- online full texts of Lord Jim, Nostromo and The Secret Agent.
Joseph Conrad the ship -- For nearly 50 years, young people have come to Mystic Seaport each summer to sail on the beautiful Mystic River and sleep on a tall ship. Learning by doing is the cornerstone of the JOSEPH CONRAD Summer Camp Program, named for the famous ship that's been at the Museum since 1947.
Collaborations - Conrad and Ford Madox Ford -- a study of collaboration between Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Ford.
The Joseph Conrad Society (United Kingdom)
Joseph Conrad Today , a publication of The Joseph Conrad Society of America - E-mail only
Joseph Conrad Campfire Chat -- chat postings - live chat - questions asked and answered.
Rob Walls -- is a photojournalist from Australia who has an article and photos concerning the fate of the Otago, Joseph Conrad's only command.
University of Toronto -- a short bio and links to Joseph Conrad's works, Heart of Darkness (1902), Lord Jim (1907), Nigger of the `Narcissus' (1897), The Secret Sharer (1912)
Eric Eldred's Conrad page. - Eric supports online books. Visit his support page.